Wednesday, January 19, 2011


As if ribs, rice and peas aren't enough, I had to complete the package with some brownies. I chose the easiest, fastest recipe I could find in my recipe box and got some pecans and chocolate chips out to throw into them as an extra. Because it was Mum's recipe I second guessed it (not second guessed her, just the flour factor as different countries have different norms!) and whether the flour was self-raising as it can usually be, so at the last minute I threw some baking powder into the mix incase it meant self raising. I don't think it did mean self raising, the brownies were a little lighter than normal. I also buttered the pan but forgot to flour it so they stuck to the bottom. You know how 'unhappy' I can be when things don't turn out as I had hoped. Anyway, they tasted (but didn't look) fine in a pile of crumbs in a bowl last night! Today they had had a chance to pull their socks up and were much better. I dug them out the pan just fine, they were fudgey in the middle and more cakey around the edge, the top was kind of chewy, and then there were little pecan and chocolate chip surprises here and there. Verdict is, good brownies come to those who let them sit overnight and gather themselves together and to those who follow recipes exactly instead of second guessing and who prepare pans properly. I do have a recipe for a much more decadent brownie that is swimming in butter and eggs and sugar and cocoa, all on overdose, those would never be crumbly or dry, not a chance in hell, but the lesser guilt on a healthier option was worth it this time. 

P.S. My husband is less enthusiastic about sharing baked goods.
P.P.S. We need to get a dishwasher soon or I might go off the deep end! Luckily it isn't as lively in the kitchen all the time, this was an exception.

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