Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Beef noodle soup.

I cannot tell you how blessed I feel to be staying with a chef! Wow, the dinner we had last night was such a treat, though him and his wife have it every week! Lovely beef stock, with fresh veggies, noodles and rare tenderloin slices. Oh my goodness. He made the stock and had it simmering, then added some finely cut veggies like carrots, green onion, bok choy and Chinese cabbage. He actually put the noodles in each of our dishes and poured boiling water over them then drained them and topped it with the veg and stock. In a pan he fried up the beef in olive oil then thinly sliced it, he cooked it rare because it will keep on cooking in the soup. Then you mix it all together and eat it! And tip the bowl up and drink the last bits too! Yum! Such a treat to watch a chef work!

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