Monday, July 4, 2011

Ontario asparagus, soft boiled egg and light feta.

Another weakness from the Farmers Market was asparagus, lots of it, for such a good price. I came home with 2 large bunches for only $7! I was hungry mid morning yesterday so decided on making a snack before we went out and this little creation sprang to mind.

I put a pan of water on to boil for the egg and a frying pan on with a couple mm of water too. While those worked on boiling I snapped the ends off some asparagus. When the water in the frying pan was boiling I dropped the asparagus in it and let it cook, moving it around a bit, for a couple of minutes then drained it. The egg should be ready around the same time as the asparagus if you time it right. Cook it how you like. I arranged the asparagus on a plate, crumbled some light feta over it then topped it with a soft egg and some cracked pepper. Perfect, light, little meal!

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