Saturday, July 2, 2011

Steak and Stir Fry.

We are lucky enough at the moment to be close enough to the St. Lawrence Market to shop there regularly should we so wish. It is very hard to go there and not want to buy all kinds of things so you have to have a list or a meal idea and stick to it. I already had lots of vegetables in the house so we went there just to find a nice piece of meat to go with. AAA NewYork Sirloin was on sale, so that is what we got, one large steak!

It was the first time we have chosen to cook a steak in a pan over the bbq and that was purely because in this building you have to rent a time slot on the bbq up on the roof and we just couldn't be bothered to do that and run up and down the stairs! (We are planning another meal that we can bbq with side dishes that are cold that we can take up there and just stay up there to eat).

So, I cut up lots of veg - onions, carrots, snow peas, mushrooms and broccoli along with some finely chopped garlic and ginger. And seasoned the steak in olive oil, salt and pepper. We got a pan smoking hot on the highest heat then cooked the steak the same we would have on the bbq, flipping it once. It was a large steak so I think it was 5minutes one side then 4minutes the other and it had over 10minutes to rest while I cooked the stir fry. In the same pan that the steak had been in I started doing the stir fry, olive oil, then the garlic and ginger, then all the rest of the vegetables. I seasoned it with some soya sauce, salt and pepper and some balsamic vinegar which gave it a slightly sweet taste once it had reduced. 

We filled our plates with stir fried vegetables and topped it with some sliced steak and a little soya sauce, perfect! When you have enough variety of tasty vegetables you don't even notice that you are missing rice or noodles or whatever other carb, it was a meal that didn't leave us over full, I was very pleased with it. It was also just one pan and plates to wash up which is always nice too!

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