Friday, February 25, 2011

Scrambled egg whites with parsley.

Ok, there are so many things wrong with the title of this entry that I don't know where to begin. I am not a huge fan of eggs with things in them i.e. I hate omelettes! I also am a little unsure about the whole egg white only thing. However, I used 6 egg yolks in my custard for the pear and caramel trifle on the weekend and I had 6 egg whites left. Not wanting to waste anything I made some egg white scrambled eggs. I filled it with pepper and freshly chopped parsley to help it along it's way and it wasn't all that bad I have to admit. They weren't as dense as normal and obviously the pasty colour isn't as appetising as the usual golden yellow but once you get past that it really didn't send me running for the hills. 

I ate the scrambled eggs along side some veggies and dip and a crumpet with butter and marmite! We have a large bag a cut up veggies in the fridge at the moment so there is something healthy to snack on easily. However, I caution you with the dip aspect of your 'healthy eating'. We have a roasted garlic hummus, which isn't hugely bad on the fat content though it has 70 calories in 2tbsp. It does have some fibre in it and yum to garlic that makes chickpeas easier to eat! Now enter the spicy artichoke and asiago dip! 2tbsp  has 22% of your daily quota of fat! And 130 calories! Wow! You really do need to check your labels! Go for yoghurt based dips instead of mayo ones if you are being careful. Also, try taking a small amount of the nice spicy artichoke and asiago dip (of course it's nice, it's bad for you!!) and mixing it with a larger portion of hummus to spread the flavour and slim the calories. I really should try more to make my own dips, although I would know what went in it I wouldn't necessarily know how bad it actually was. One bonus of the store bought package. One. I do remember seeing a low fat spicy hummus which seems like a good compromise?

What can I say about the crumpet, I love them, I have a weakness for them. I toast them till crisp and put butter and marmite, or jam on them! Mmmmmm! Good thing I don't find them often. 

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