Thursday, December 23, 2010

Humble oatmeal.

I had oatmeal for breakfast, what a yummy way to start the day! And there are so many ways to fashion it in order to keep it interesting. I know it is best to use it in it's original state, and if you have time to cook the big, old, whole oats for half an hour then it is great, but I do use the instant variety (guilty as charged!). I know there are good recipes for oatmeal in a slow cooker, so if you have one then put it to use for the first meal of the day! And if not, pick your battle, stove top stirring or instant!

So, ways to liven up your oatmeal, where to start? When I was a nanny I used to sweeten oatmeal with a mashed banana or apple sauce, then add ground seed flax and some blueberries. Play around with your sweetening agent; maple syrup, honey, brown sugar, mashed banana/berries/apples, then think about adding things like seeds, nuts, raisins or other fruit pieces (dried or fresh)to make it colourful and wholesome.  Some ideas are other berries, dates, figs, dried apricots, dried cranberries, dried coconut, the list goes on. I have even put some yoghurt in it at times. Go with whatever you are craving or seems to go well together. If you are being indulgent you could use cream instead of milk over the porridge or even add some cocoa powder to it to make it chocolate-y! The creativity options are endless and it is such a great way to start your day. 

Today my instant oatmeal had a mashed banana in it, some milk and some flax seeds, mmmmm..

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